Callie and Hayden have started their spring sports. Callie is playing volleyball for the first time. She usually plays softball and loves it and does very well. Last spring she played softball and after the season was over she was asked to play on the all-star team and enjoyed that, other than crazy parents way to involved in winning(thats another story). Our local sports association added in volleyball this spring along with softball so she had to choose. Callie has played for intermurals at school and enjoyed it so after much consideration she choose volleyball. She is doing very well and their team- The Grizzlys are in 1st place right now.
Hayden is in probably his 10th season of soccer. Hayden has tried just about every sport and I think we finally found his nitch. I have tried very hard to keep Hayden busy with different sports/activities outside home and school. If it would up to him he would stay at home and play video games with friends all day long. This season he has the position of full back and he loves it. He is very proud of himself for all of his blocks. He is very quick to tell us that he is the best player on the team!
1 comment:
I enjoy playing volleyball. Maybe because it's the sport that I can play half way decent. No spring sports for us. We're taking a break until soccer starts in August.
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