When you walk in our house you go straight into the living room-
and then our kitchen is off to the right so the two rooms flow together.
We have a long bar area that divides the rooms. I painted the living room the color- burnt almond and right now the kitchen is just the plain light cream color that the whole house was when we moved in. My idea is to bring the burnt almond into the kitchen (the two side walls) and then have the main wall (the one with all the cabinets, stove, fridge) an accent color- burgundy and Shawn thinks it should stay just the same plain cream color. Please vote on the poll and I won't be upset if you vote for Shawn!
I am all for color!
I would paint both tirangular walls in the dining area the same color as your vining room and thne you could definitely paint the back oven/firdge wall burgundy.
Or you could paint the 2 tringular walls the accent color and the other walls the tennish color.
And if you wanted you could paint the bar wall a color.
My thought is if you really hate it you can paint again.... and sometimes trial and error is the best way.
BUt since we have the same floor plan I will admit I too am having a hard time deciding where things begin and end in this room and waht spaces should be what color. So what ever you do, invite me over cuz I want to see ti!
I'm for the burgundy. Having color changes the whole look of the house!
YOu already know what I think, but I'll vote anyway. Go with the burgandy. You wont see most of it anyway with the cabinets and fridge. I'll send Jason over to convice him. Jason's the reason my family room is bronze afterall!
I'm terrible at decisions like that. Jeff is the one that picks out the colors and paints the walls. Anyway, if you aren't sure maybe you should get some test paint and paint a patch to see if you like the color on the wall.
Color, color, color! I think the bold color would look great. We need to get together soon so you can meet miss Lilly.
I'm with you Janet!
I say put the color on the wall. I love that your house has the same colors that I have in mine! What good taste you have. If he won't go for the accent wall, maybe you can compromise by bringing the almond in to all of the kitchen walls.
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