It is will deepest sorrow that I regret to tell all of you that my oldest child- Callie Rae is now old enough to be in the Young Womens program at church! Where did the time go? I know everyone says this and everyone out there not here yet will say this- Where did the time go? How did this happen so fast! Before you know it they will be gone, out of the house and married and I will be an OLD grandma! It felt like yesterday I was living at home with my parents going to my own YW activities. As you can read I am feeling very sorry for myself because what this all really means is I am getting old!
So here are her pictures from her first young womens activity where they had "messy olympics". Callie was very shy being with all these teenagery girls so she didn't get into all the fun. Hopefully as time goes on she will feel more comfortable with everyone. .
Callies 12th birthday party.
She had a great idea to have a scavenger hunt at the mall where we divided into three groups and each group had twenty dollars to try and buy/get as many items that start with each letter of the alphabet. The group that came home with all items and most money left won. They had a great time. Callie planned the whole thing, made the invitations and sent them out before I even saw them- on her invit she stated her "wish list" was money! I hope parents didn't think I did it! So thats what she got and the next day we went out and she bought herself a new phone.
What a neat idea for a birthday party! Annalise likes getting cash as a birthday gift as well. I'm not sure what's she saving up for now, now that she's gotten her Nintendo DS. Happy Birthday to Callie and to you Janet. Hope you had a great day as well.
I can't believe that you have a 12 year old!!! Wow, Btw - happy birthday to you. I totally planned on sending you a card, but the time got away from me as we just moved. Anyway, I hope it was a great day. I love you!
I can't believe she is in YW either. When I saw her in there with us on Sunday I was just so excited for her and her family. All the fun things she will get to do!
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